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Gratis workshop over Edge AI samen met MCS & Scailable!
Connectivity fair: CO-OP 21/03/23
The power of together! Beacon members collaborate : Dockflow and NxtPort International

ClimateCamp raises 700k€ to reduce suppliers’ ecological footprint

Aloxy raises 3.8 Million Euro to scale up their Industrial IoT solutions globally

Cubitec nominated for IT project of the year

Dockflow launches Europe's first End-to-End Cargo LoraWAN based temperature monitoring service

Geosparc announces partnership

Aloxy secures US patent

Skyebase wins innovation award

Software AG announces the acquisition of Streamsets

Blog 11 // Create your own shareable Tensorboard with authentication on GCP

The Beacon announces new community members

The city of Antwerp presents new electric charging sations

Port of Antwerp select the 6th NeTWorK for drone roll-out

Seafar in The Tijd

Cubitec selected for Scale.Cities initiative

Verhaert acquires AFCE